Progetti RietiTour.it #TESTIMONIALS IN RIETI, Engeneering Indian Students
Arrivano da mezzo mondo gli studenti e le studentesse iscritte al corso di laurea in Ingegneria per l’Edilizia Sostenibile, attivo alla Sabina Universitas, dove presso la sede de LaSapienza di Rieti è possibile frequentare il primo corso di laurea triennale in Ingegneria in lingua inglese dell’Ateneo, un corso più unico che raro in Italia.
Anindya Chakavarty e Manan Nanavati provengono dall’India. Entrambi 21enni, sono a Rieti già da sette mesi e per i prossimi tre anni frequenteranno ogni giorno le lezioni con colleghi giunti da nazioni come Uzbekistan e Azerbaijan, Ghana, Turchia, America, Iran.
Anindya conosce un po’ l’Italia, ha studiato ingegneria meccanica al Politecnico di Torino e ha visitato anche Bologna.
Di Rieti non conosceva l’esistenza, ma oggi che la vive quotidianamente la preferisce addirittura a Roma: “È molto più tranquilla – commenta Manan – e ci sono luoghi incantevoli da scoprire. Siamo rimasti piacevolmente colpiti”.
Lo scorso inverno sono stati a sciare per la prima Terminillo, sulla neve che in India cade solo nel nord del paese e non vicino casa loro.
Nei momenti liberi dallo studio si dedicano allo sport, andando alla palestra Infinity Wellness o si immergono nella vita notturna nel centro di Rieti, dove alloggiano, trasformandosi spesso anche in organizzatori di feste per amici vecchi e nuovi.
Sanno che qui visse il grande Kobe Bryant, gli è stato raccontato delle doti di Lucio Battisti, ma a Poggio Bustone ancora non sono riusciti ad andare.
Magari andranno presto, quando il papà di Manan arriverà in città per trovare il figlio che sta già programmando per lui una immancabile visita alla Rieti Sotterranea.
(Click sul Video)
A lot of male and female Students, enrolled in the degree course in Sustainable Building Engineering, active at Sabina Universitas, come from all over the world, where at the headquarters of La Sapienza in Rieti it is possible to attend the first three-year degree course in Engineering in English.
A course that is more unique than rare in Italy and Europe.
Anindya Chakavarty and Manan Nanavati come from India and live with other students Ruzul and Surya at UnicoHotel Private Apartments, near the center of Italy.
Both 21 year olds, have been in Rieti for seven months already, and for the next three years they will attend classes every day with colleagues from other countries like Uzbekistan and Azerbaijan, Ghana, Turkey, America, Iran.
Anindya knows Italy a bit, he already studied mechanical engineering at the Turin Polytechnic and also visited Bologna.
About Rieti did not know of existence, but today that he lives it every day he even prefers it to Rome: “It is much quieter – comments Manan – and there are lovely places to discover. We were pleasantly impressed ”.
Last winter they were skiing for the first time in his life at Mount Terminillo, on the snow that in India falls only in the north of the country and not near their home.
In the free moments from the study they dedicate themselves to sport, going to the “Infinity Wellness” Gym or immersing themselves in the nightlife in the center of Rieti, where they stay, often turning into party organizers for old and new friends.
They know that the great Kobe Bryant lived here, he was told about the qualities of Lucio Battisti, but at Poggio Bustone they still couldn’t go.
Maybe they will go soon, when Manan’s father arrives in the city to find his son who is already planning for him an inevitable visit to the ancient underground “Rieti Sotterranea”.
सबीना यूनिवर्सिटीज़ में सक्रिय, सस्टेनेबल बिल्डिंग इंजीनियरिंग में डिग्री कोर्स में दाखिला लेने वाले बहुत सारे पुरुष और महिला छात्र, दुनिया भर से आते हैं, जहाँ रीति में ला सैपिएन्ज़ा के मुख्यालय में पहले तीन साल की डिग्री में भाग लेना संभव है अंग्रेजी में इंजीनियरिंग में पाठ्यक्रम।
एक कोर्स जो इटली और यूरोप में दुर्लभ से अधिक अद्वितीय है।
अनिंद्य चक्रवर्ती और मनन नानावती भारत से आते हैं और अन्य छात्रों रूज़ुल और सूर्या के साथ UnicoHotel Private Apartments में इटली के केंद्र के पास रहते हैं।
दोनों 21 साल के बच्चे, रिटी में पहले से ही सात महीने के लिए रहे हैं, और अगले तीन वर्षों के लिए वे हर दिन उजबेकिस्तान और अज़रबैजान, घाना, तुर्की, अमेरिका, ईरान जैसे अन्य देशों के सहयोगियों के साथ कक्षाओं में भाग लेंगे।
अनिंद्या इटली को थोड़ा जानती हैं, उन्होंने पहले से ही ट्यूरिन पॉलिटेक्निक में मैकेनिकल इंजीनियरिंग की पढ़ाई की है और बोलोग्ना का दौरा भी किया है।
के बारे में Rieti अस्तित्व का पता नहीं था, लेकिन आज जब वह रहता है कि वह हर दिन वह भी रोम के लिए पसंद करते हैं: “यह बहुत शांत है – मनन टिप्पणी करता है – और खोजने के लिए सुंद